Bohemian Sin wintery giveaway – International
Hello there everyone. I know it’s been so cold outside lately. So, to warm you up a little bit, I have prepared a Snowflakes inspired cuff, just for you gusy!

It is so, so easy to win this:
Mandatory: You will have to visit Bohemian Sin’s shop on etsy and tell me wich is your favourite item and why in a comment. (DO NOT FORGET: a) to leave me a way to contact you such as an email adress; b) tell me where are you from.
For extra entries (leave a separate comment for each entry, making proof of fulfilling the demandigs) you will have to:
2. Share this giveaway on facebook.
3. Heart Bohemian Sin’s Etsy Shop or an item from the shop.
4. Blog about this giveaway linking my Esty shop and this giveaway.
Bohemian Sin giveaway de iarna - Romania
Ce trebuie sa faceti?
Floare la ureche.
1. Adaugati-ma ca prieten pe facebook si lasati-mi de stire printr-un comentariu la orice fotografie sau pe peretele meu.
2. Dati de veste pe facebook despre acest giveaway(click pe data de sub share si copiati link-ul din bara).
3. Dati de veste pe blogul vostru despre acest giveaway cu link catre magazinul Breslo si catre acest blog.
4. Urmariti blogul Bohemian Sin.
CITITI CU ATENTIE CONDITIILE!!!Orice intrare ce nu indeplineste CUMULATIV conditiile dintr-un alineat va fi ELIMINATA!De asemenea lasati-mi numele sub care dati share sau ma adaugati ca prieten.Stiu ca pare greoi dar va rog lasati comentariu separat pentru fiecare intrare in concurs.
Succes tuturor!