Pe 30 am spus stop votare si am numarat voturile iar castigatoarea este Cinnamonina cu nr.2!congrats.Toate voturile acordate dupa 30 nu sunt luate in seama si toate voturile de la anonimi care nu au inteles sa se prezinte se contopesc intr unul singur pentru respectiva tinuta.
1.Daria ne domnisoreste: ''Modelul rochiei imi inspira o delicatete princiara, ca pentru o domnisoara care isi bea cafeaua cu o lingurita de argint; si fiind vorba de cafea, am ales asemenea nuante si, bonus, bomboane cu ciocolata si cafea.''

3. Anca are o poveste:A spoon to wear is exactly what you need if:
- you'll always go for a cup of earl grey in the afternoon
- you listen to the radio just so that you let go and not be in control all the time
- you still send postcards from your
- you would be an English gentleman, with a mustache and really cool eyeglasses if you were a man- if you are a little bit different and have a taste for chicness
- you'll always go for a cup of earl grey in the afternoon
- you listen to the radio just so that you let go and not be in control all the time
- you still send postcards from your
- you would be an English gentleman, with a mustache and really cool eyeglasses if you were a man- if you are a little bit different and have a taste for chicness

4.Corie Bijoux isi imagineaza: Multe PISICI / Rebela / Rochie / Libera / Sexy / Fusta/ Indrazneata / Punk / Sweet / Walking On High Heels / Cristina from Grey's Anatomy / Why NOT?! / Care / Sensibilitate ascunsa / Nu stiu ... INCA! / Trust